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How to Use This Curriculum

Rights. Respect. Responsibility. was designed for use as a sequential curriculum, or in parts, according to the needs of the educator. While the curriculum can be used in its entirety (and when presented this way fully meets the National Sexuality Education Standards), we recognize that very few schools have sufficient time allotted to sexuality education to be able to use every lesson. Educators may decide when a lesson or series of lessons might fit into their pre-existing curriculum. Educators may use one grade level, one topic strand or an individual lesson to supplement their existing materials as needed.

Using the indicators from the National Sexuality Education Standards, we have provided a recommended sequence for implementing Rights, Respect, Responsibility in the Lesson Plan section of the 3Rs website.

Curriculum Format

Lessons are 40 minutes in K-5 and 50 minutes in Grades 6-12. There are family homework activities for most lessons in Grades K-9 to facilitate a way for students and their parents/care-givers to have important conversations together. Please also refer to the more extensive information in other sections of the Teacher’s Guide.

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